Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1734.02.26

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Index Entry Brady, in lyric [beg] While other bards of Grecian heroes treat 
Location Philadelphia 
19-26 Feb 1734:11, 12, 21 (739)
Upon Prince Madoc's Expedition to the Country now called
America, in the 12th Century. . . [4 lines introduction]
  While other bards of Grecian heroes treat, 
  Or Roman arms, or Saxon worth repeat, 
  Or of Cadwellader, or Arthur tell, 
  Or on Saint David's fam'd achievements dwell;
  . . . [2 1/2 columns]
  Tho' this encomium's short of Madock's praise, 
  As much as Sternhold wants of Brady's bays;
  . . . [5 more lines]

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1734.02.26 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0000946
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